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Innovation is our business

DIOPTEX was founded in 2003 by Dr. Albert Daxer as a research and development enterprise for medicine / ophthalmology / eye surgery in Linz, Austria. In the meantime, DIOPTEX has grown to become a global technology leader in the deveopment for the treatment of ectatic eye diseases such as keratoconus, post-LASIK keratectasia, complicated myopia and inadequate outcomes after corneal transplantation. With KERALUX, MyoRing and PocketMaker, DIOPTEX has developed medical technologies which established a new standard in the treatment of the mentioned eye diseases. These products were milestones in modern eye surgery and have decisively enhanced treatment efficacy. Thousands of patients suffering from severe loss of vision by these diseases have been successfully prevented from blindness and their vision have been permanently restored by our technology.

New developments include also blockchain technology.

Excellence at the highest international level

The core competencies of DIOPTEX include: international top-level research and development in the fields of medical engineering and life sciences; consulting; development of complex medicinal products up to the establishment of industry-level production; production and distribution logistics; quality management including ISO 13485 (medical devices); approval of medical devices for use on humans; implementation of the technology for medical applications under standard clinical conditions; medical expertise at international leadership level; in-depth market knowledge in medical application areas of the relevant technology; international patent law; establishment of distribution structures; and international sales. During the past years DIOPTEX has changed from development of medical technologies towards new developments in blockchain technology.

Dr. Albert Daxer

Dr. Daxer is the founder and managing partner of DIOPTEX. He is a passionate ophthalmologist and researcher and an internationally leading eye surgeon specialising in laser surgery, corneal surgery and keratoconus.

After being trained in electrical communication engineering and electronics at a polytechnic high school (HTL), he completed his military service and then worked as a development engineer in the semiconductor industry. Subsequently, he earned an academic degree (Dipl.-Ing. (TU)) in technical physics at the Vienna University of Technology. The in parallel running study of macroeconimics was not completed. After a short period of industrial activity in the field of laser technology, he studied medicine at the Medical University of Vienna where he earned his medical degree (Dr.med.univ.). Alongside his medical studies, he worked as a physicist at the Institute for Experimental Physics and at the Research Centre for Intensive Care Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, as well as at the Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf. He then completed his specialist training in ophthalmology and optometry at the University Hospital of Innsbruck, where he also gained his habilitation and where he is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology. In addition to his technical and medical education, Dr. Daxer has completed an economic education as a exchange trader for bonds and stocks with a corresponding approval for the Vienna Stock Exchange.

His research activities encompass the entire field of ophthalmology, with a special focus on laser and corneal surgery as well as keratoconus. He has published a number of basic research papers on the biomechanics, structure and transparency of the cornea as well as on the genesis, ultrastructural changes and surgical treatment of keratoconus in various scientific journals of international acclaim. He is one of the world‘s leading researchers in the field. Important contributions to ophthalmology are the MyoRing implant technology and the KERALUX Crosslinking system which represent the currently most effective treatment methods in keratoconus. He is also a regular reviewer in internationally renowned journals in his field of expertise and holds numerous international patents.

In addition to his research and developmental activities at DIOPTEX, Dr. Daxer runs a general ophthalmology practice in Wieselburg (Austria), an eye laser centre in Wels (Austria) together with six colleagues, as well as keratoconus therapy centres in Wieselburg (Austria) and Munich (Germany). He is also engaged in the global training of ophthalmologists in state-of-the-art keratoconus treatment and diagnosis.

Erwin Weglehner, MAS, MBA

Mr. Weglehner has accompanied us for the past 15 years in the area of export and internationalization. Unfortunately, he passed away unexpectedly in December 2023. He leaves a big gap in our company, both professionally and personally.

Medical Advisers

Prof. Dr. Jorge Alio

Dr. Alio is Professor of Ophthalmology and Chairman at the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Miguel Hernandez of Elche, Alicante, Spain and Director of the Iberia Biobank and Biodata created jointly by the National Network of Clinical Research. He is also Founder of Vissum Instituto Oftalmologica de Alicante where he serves as ophthalmic clinician and surgeon.

He has been Graduate with Honors from: Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1976); PhD, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid (with Honors & Award of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology) and Ophthalmology Degree in Universidad Autónoma, Madrid (1980); Postdoctorate Fellow at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University (1985-86); Assistant, Professor Universidad Autónoma, Madrid and Salamanca University (1976-83); Full Professor Salamanca University (1983-86); Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology University of Alicante (1987-97); and finally Professor and Chairman University Miguel Hernández of Elche (Alicante), Spain (1997-present).

Since the beginning of his professional career, he has been vocationally involved in ophthalmic academic and research activities in combination with an intense clinical and surgical practice. His main dedication has been to Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Surgery. As an ophthalmic surgeon, and has performed over 55.000 ocular surgeries during his surgical career. He is member of the American Ophthalmological Society (AOS) in which he was accepted with his second doctorate in Regenerative Advanced Therapies in Corneal Regeneration in 2019.

Throughout his career and arising from his clinical research activities, he has been the author or co-author of almost 700 peer review papers (world of science peer review indexed international scientific journals), almost 400 book chapters, almost 100 books (as editor or co-editor), and some 2000 presentations and invited lectures in international meetings.

Prof Alió, academically also holds Chairs at the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis and the European Academy of Ophthalmology. He has directed a total of 76 PhD doctorate university projects.

As a clinical ophthalmic scientist, he has been acknowledged as the author with the highest impact factor in clinical research in the subject of Cataract over the last 5 years by The Ophthalmologist (February 2014, 2016, 2018).

Concerning humanitarian services, he is the Founder of the Foundation that bears his name, dedicated to the promotion of the prevention of blindness which carries out its activities both in Spain and on international levels, particularly in Mauritania where a Center for Sight (UBASO) was created in 2010.

International Colaborations:
- International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS): Founder, General Secretary and Chairman
- European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS): elected Board Member twice in two different terms
- American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), through International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS): General Secretary (2003-2006) and President (2006-2008)
- World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC): Executive Board in two terms
-European Vision Institute (EVICR.net): Founder and Board Member since its creation in 2006

Main Awards and international recognition
- Arruga Award (Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 1990)
- Rayner Medal (UKIRS, 2002)
- 2 Kelman Awards (Video Refractive Milan, 2003 / Hellenic Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery HSCRS, 2008)
- The Strampelli Award (International Refractive Surgery Society IRSS, 2007)
- Senior and Secretariat Awards of the AAO (2008)
- 2 Barraquer Awards (ISRS/AAO, 2009 / Keratomileusis Study Group KMSG, 2010)
- Guillermo Pico Award (Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Oftalmología SPO, 2009)
- Torchbearer Award  (Corneal Research Foundation CRFA, 2010)
- Lifetime Achievement Award (ISRS/AAO, 2012)
- Waring Medal (Slack inc., 2012)
- Bober Ans Award (Danish Ophthalmological Society, 2012)
- APAO Achievement Award (AECOS Joseph Colin Award, 2016)
- AAO Lifetime Achievement Honor Award (2018)
- National Research Award Alberto Sols (Spain, 2019)

Prof. Dr. Michael Belin

Dr. Belin is Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ.

He is a board certified, fellowship-trained ophthalmologist and Professor of Ophthalmology & Vision Science at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. Dr. Belin was instrumental in the development of laser vision correction and served as a core investigator for the VISX laser.  He has been performing Laser Vision Correction surgery since the 1990’s and is considered an international expert in the field of refractive surgery. He developed the software (corneal tomography) utilized to screen refractive surgery patients currently in use by the majority of TLC centers. He is a worldwide aclaimed expert in the field of keratoconus and the classification system of the disease he developed represents globally the dignostic state-of-the-art (gold standard).

Dr. Belin attended Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) where he majored in Bio-Medical Engineering and received his medical degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Rutgers Medical School. He completed his internship and residency at the Albany Medical College and furthered his education with specialty fellowship training in Cornea and External Diseases of the Eye at the University of Iowa. He subsequently completed (by invitation) a traveling fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England Foundation and was the first Ophthalmologist ever selected. Dr. Belin is Professor of Ophthalmology & Vision Science at the University of Arizona, an Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology at the Albany Medical Center Department of Ophthalmology, at the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) and an Honorary Professor at the Northern Military Hospital in Shenyang, China. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Royal Australia & New Zealand College of Ophthalmology (RANZCO).

Dr. Belin is an internationally recognized authority in the field of refractive surgery and has published or presented over 400 scholarly papers. He is a frequent guest speaker at most major ophthalmic meetings, having been an invited speaker on laser vision correction in many countries around the world. 

Dr. Belin was awarded the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Honor Award in 1988, received the prestigious Senior Honor Award in 1998 and a life-time Honor award (an honor bestowed on less than 1% of all ophthalmologists) and the Secretariat Achievement Award in 2002 and again 2008. He is a past President of the Cornea Society. Dr Belin serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Keratoconus & Ectasia, The Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology, and the Asia Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology.