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Status: Ready for the Market

MyoRing is a complete-ring implant for the treatment of ectatic eye diseases such as keratoconus and complicated cases of shortsightedness. The implant is internationally patented. MyoRing can improve the patients vision and stop the progression of the disease towards de facto blindness. This treatment is currently by far the most effective and safest method for visual rehabilitation in keratoconus.

The MyoRing has been developed to market maturity for clinical use. MyoRing has been approved as a medical device in the EU under the MDD. Over 10,000 MyoRing implantations have been performed worldwide since 2007. Due to the regulatory changeover in the EU from the MDD to the MDR, all medical devices must be re-approved throughout the EU in accordance with the new MDR. The MyoRing is therefore not currently approved as a medical device anymore and must first be re-approved for further clinical use in accordance with the new MDR.

Keratoconus is an eye disease characterized by a weakening of the cornea which results in a progressive deterioration of the eye sight and often ends in de facto blindness requiring corneal transplantation.

In early phases crosslinking treatment can stop the progression of the disease and rigid contact lenses can improve vision. At least if the disease progresses despite crosslinking therapy or if contact lenses are not well tolerated or cannot improve vision, MyoRing implantation is the treatment of choice in order to achive a stable long-term improvement of vision.

The MyoRing is a milestone in keratoconus treatment and allows both, the stop of the progression of the disease and significant long-term improvement of vision even in advanced cases. The new MyoRing technology is based on shape-memory in a complete-ring implant. The new MyoRing technology results in a new and most innovative surgical technique. In contrast to the older incomplete ring implants, this new surgical technique is minimally-invasive, atraumatic without sutures and allows a permanent visual rehabilitation with only an extremely low complication rate.

More than 10.000 MyoRing implantations have been performed since 2008. MyoRing treatment is among the most effective and safest eye treatments. The MyoRing will not be produced anymore by DIOPTEX. It is, however, as a fully developed product available for interested companies for re-approval and production.

The treatment is painfree and lasts only 10 to 15 minutes. It is performed under topical anesthesia (eye drops) in an outpatient procedure.

The following video shows the MyoRing procedure in a schematic presentation. First of all a slit (pocket) of 9 mm in diameter and in 0.3 mm depth is created. The MyoRing is then implanted into the pocket via a narrow tunnel.

Scientific literature

1. Fratzl P, Daxer A (1993) Structural transformation of collagen fibrils in corneal stroma during drying: An X-ray scattering study. Biophys J 64:1210-1214.

2. Daxer A, Fratzl P (1997) Collagen fibril orientation in the human corneal stroma and its implication in keratoconus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 38:121-129.

3. Daxer A, Misof K, Grabner B, Ettl A, Fratzl P. (1998) Collagen fibrils in the human corneal stroma: structure and ageing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 39:644-648.

4. Daxer A. (2007) Intracorneal ring: a good alternative to LASIK? Ophthalmology Times Europe 3:40-41.

5. Daxer A. (2008) Corneal intrastromal implantation surgery for the treatment of moderate and high myopia. J Cataract Refract Surg 34:194-198.

6. Daxer A (2008) Corneal Intrastromal Implantation Surgery. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe 3:63-64.

7. Daxer A (2009) CISIS: Reversible chirurgische Behandlung hoher Kurzsichtigkeiten und des Keratokonus. Spektrum Augenheilkd 23:39-41.

8. Daxer A (2010) Adjustable Intracorneal Ring in a Lamellar Pocket for Keratoconus. J Refract Surg 26:217-221.

9. A. Daxer, H. Mahmoud and RS Venkateswaran. (2010) Corneal IntraStromal Implantation Surgery (CISIS) for Keratoconus: One year Follow-Up. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 36:1296-1302.

10. H. Mahmoud, RS Venkateswaran and A. Daxer (2011) Implantation of a Complete Corneal Ring in an Intrastromal Pocket for Keratoconus. Journal of Refractive Surgery. 27:63-68.

11. JL Alio, DP Pinero and A Daxer (2011) Clinical Outcome after Complete Ring Implantation in Corneal Ectasia using the Femtosecond Technology. Ophthalmology 118:1282-1290.

12. A Daxer (2015) Biomechanics of Corneal Ring Implants. Cornea 34:1493-1498.

13. A Prangl-Grötzl, A Ettl, R Hörantner and A Daxer (2016) Individual Long-Term Visual Stability after MyoRing Treatment of Keratokonus. International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases 5:53-56.

14. A Daxer, A Ettl and R Hörantner (2017) Long-term results of MyoRing treatment of keratokonus. Journal of Optometry 10:123-129.

15. A Daxer (2017) MyoRing Treatment of Myopia. Journal of Optometry 10:194-198.